Monday, November 24, 2008

The downside of church sex challenges

It seems that hardly a week or two goes by without some mega-church or seeker-friendly church announcing some sort of sex challenge, complete with high-profile advertising.

While I certainly agree that sex is an important part of stable, monogamous marriages, including mine :), I think challenges of this sort can do more harm than good.

First, the pastor and other staffers are probably not equipped to perform sexual counseling for couples where complex issues are brought to the surface by these challenges.

Second, there are undoubtedly many people whose past sexual experiences prior to marriage were problematic. They haven't told their spouses and may be able only to have sex occasionally. Increasingly the frequency by the pressure of sex challenges may actually destabilize the marriage.

Third, it could encourage a spouse to make abusive sexual demands and color it under the guise of faith.

Fourth, giving this subject a high profile so it becomes a discussion subject among church members could encourage those who are sexually dissatisfied to locate others within the congregation, and actually aid and abet cheating on spouses.

What do you think?

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